I watched my best friend graduate today. I saw her transparency as she read one of her amazing poems. I watched her parents give her her diploma. Our eyes met when she was onstage and I was in the crowd. I grinned and gave her a thumbs up, and she smiled back at me. I was so proud of her. She's grown so much, and has become a woman truly after God's own heart.
Today was a powerful day. Looking back on highschool and seeing where we are now. I'm embarking on my final year in highschool and part of me is ready to be done, and the other part thinks it's coming too fast. I think of what will happen after highshool, about recording, and seeing where God takes me and my music. It's been a crazy year of trials, growth, and everything inbetween. It's been a year of friends, a year of enemies, a year of anger, a year of forgiveness, a year of promise, and a year of unexpectancy. More or less, it has been a year of life.
I wonder, what would happen if we lived everyday like there was no tomorrow? What would happen if we embraced every moment, and were thankful for every day? How would our lives change? Life is racing by right now, and I hope I can grab as many memories as I can along the way.
My challenge for you today: Live life to the fullest! Live your life to the glory of God because we are NOT promised tomorrow! Love your family, thank your friends, forgive the people who've hurt you, and give your all to the Lord. Take everything one day at a time, and let God lead you. You'll find a peace in that that surpasses understanding.
John 10:10 The thief comes to steal, kill, and destroy, but I have come so that you may have life in all it's fullness.
Aww. I love you sarah